Walgett Shire ePlanning

22 Jul Walgett Shire ePlanning
Walgett Shire ePlanning
The ePlanning Program is an initiative of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). Its primary purpose is to drive the digital transformation of the NSW planning system.
From 1 July 2021, all development related applications and post-consent certificates must be submitted online with Walgett Shire Council through the NSW Planning Portal.
This service includes the collection of the $36 fee from private certifiers. Please note that any certificate registration lodged directly to Council after 1 July 2021, will be returned.
From 1 July 2021 the NSW Planning Portal is a digital space where you can lodge a range of applications with Walgett Shire Council
This applies to:
- Development Applications (DAs);
- Section 4.55 Applications to modify a Development Consent; and
- Complying Development Certificates, Compliance Certificates, Building Certificates, Pool Compliance Certificates, Construction Certificate, Occupation Certificates and Subdivision Certificates where Council is nominated to complete the assessment, or is appointed as the Principal Certifier for a development.
To submit an application through the NSW Planning Portal, you will need to register and verify your account. Instructions on how to register can be found by following the Quick Reference Guide here(PDF, 249KB). If you already have an account, you will simply login.
What happens after you have submitted your application via the NSW Planning Portal?
Once you have submitted your application via the NSW Planning Portal, Walgett Shire Council will be notified of your new application. Staff will then review your application to determine if any additional information is required. Should any additional information be required, you will receive an email notification generated from the Planning Portal requesting the relevant information be submitted (via the Planning Portal).
How do I pay my application fees?
When Council is satisfied with the documentation submitted with your application, you will receive an email notification generated from the Portal requesting fees to be paid for your application. Fees may be paid through the Portal or directly to Council via cash, eftpos/credit card or cheque.
Once fees are paid, your application will be formally lodged with Walgett Shire Council and progressed through for assessment.
Please note: Your application will not progress to lodgement until fees are paid.
If having technical difficulties with the Planning Portal:
Service NSW are available to provide technical support for the NSW Planning Portal. All enquiries can be referred to Service NSW by either emailing eplanning@planning.nsw.gov.au or calling 1300 305 695.
Alternatively please call Council on 02 6828 6100 if you need assistance when lodging an application.
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