Government Contracts Register


Council Contract Register

In accordance with Section 27 of the GIPA Act, Council is required to maintain a register that records information about each government contract which has (or is likely to have) a value of $250,000 or more*.

*Employment contracts do not need to be included in the register.

Classes of Contracts

The Act provides for three different classes of contracts, each with different information disclosure requirements.

Class 1 Contracts

These types of contracts are those that have or are likely to have, a value or aggregate value, of $150,000. The information in relation to Class 1 contracts which must be entered into the register if Council contracts, within 45 days after the contract becoming effective includes:

  • Name and address of the private sector contractor
  • Details of any related company that may be involved in carrying out the contractual obligations
  • Date the contract became effective and its duration
  • Particulars of the project, goods or services to be provided under the contract
  • Estimated amount payable to the contractor and any allowable variations to that amount
  • Any renegotiation provisions
  • Method of tendering and criteria for assessment, if appropriate
  • Provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services

Class 2 Contracts

In addition to the requirements for Class 1 contracts, Class 2 contracts require the following;

  • Particulars of any future transfer of significant assets to and from the Council
  • The results of any cost benefit analysis
  • Particulars of how risk will be apportioned, if relevant particulars of any significant guarantees or undertakings between the parties
  • Any other key elements of the contract

Class 3 Contracts

If a Class 2 contract has a value, or likely value of more than $5 million, it becomes a Class 3 contract. Council must publish a copy of a Class 3 contract on the register of Council contracts.

Tenders to Council

For more information about the rules for submitting a tender to Council visit the Tendering Information Page

Contracts Register

The Council’s Contract Register shows details of current contracts over the value of $250,000.. It also includes a contact name should you wish to find out more details about any specific contracts.

Contract Register from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021(PDF, 120KB)