New Residents: Welcome to Walgett Shire
6100 people call the Walgett Region home and our community will always welcome new residents.
If you are considering moving to Walgett, Lightning Ridge, Collarenebri, Burren Junction or any of our towns and villages please contact the Walgett Visitor Information Centre and they will provide you with all the information that you need. Please contact or 02 6828 6139
If you have recently moved to the region please contact Walgett Shire Council to collect your New Residents pack. The New Residents pack includes the New Residents Guide which has information on: employment; housing, education; community groups; health services; sport and recreation; events and more. You will also be invited to our annual Welcome Events for new residents. It is an ideal way to meet other community members and learn what the region has to offer.
2021 Walgett Shire Council New Residents Information Guide
Connecting with your Council(PDF, 254KB)
Calling all Trades(PDF, 190KB)
Are you on the List(PDF, 83KB)
Find or List Jobs on Facebook(PDF, 189KB)
Council Positions Vacant
The Welcome Experience

Welcome to Walgett New Residents Event 2022
Great Attendance at the 2022 Welcome to Walgett Evening
Walgett CWA were very pleased to welcome almost 30 new community members to Walgett at the “Welcome to Walgett” event on Wednesday evening.
It was great to see connections made and the beginning of new friendships. The fact that so many new residents attended the event is an indication of the hard work and consistency put in by The Walgett CWA & Council Staff to ensure this event continues to grow. It’s also a great sign for the Walgett Community with many new residents being much needed teaching staff and health workers.
A range of community organisations were in attendance to give out information on some of the services and social opportunities available in the town, including Walgett Show Society, Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service, Sing Australia, Walgett RSL, Cumborah Pistol Club, Walgett Community College, Fire and Rescue & ICPA NSW. The benefit of these groups attending was demonstrated last night with Sing Australia securing two new members to harmonise with every Monday at the Walgett RSL from 6pm.
A huge thanks to Walgett CWA for putting on such a welcoming and engaging event for the past four years, Welcome Events provide a valuable opportunity to create connection, share information and build social cohesion in our communities.
Collarenebri will host their new residents event at the “Meet the Locals” on Saturday 26th March from 9:30am in conjunction with Collarenebri’s Annual Cod Classic & Carp Muster while Lightning Ridge Rotary will hold their event Monday 28th March at the Lightning Ridge Bowling Club for more information on these events head to our website
If you’re a new resident to our Shire and can’t get to one of these Welcome Events please email for your Welcome Pack.
Welcome to Walgett: New Residents Event 2021
Another successful night for our second annual new resident event.
Guests received a warm welcome from CWA President Terri Holcombe and a New Residents’ Kit upon arrival and were able to enjoy food and drinks in a relaxed atmosphere, thanks to the very talented Walgett Branch of the CWA.
We are very grateful to the CWA for providing the lovely location, and all of their hard work; planning, cooking and serving it is wonderful to have their continued support.
An added bonus of the evening was the presence of local groups and organisations such as Walgett Quilters Group, Walgett Community Markets, Walgett Show, Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service Blend & Co and more.
Newcomers were able to connect with these bodies according to their level of interest. It was beneficial for everyone to have that networking opportunity.
General Manager Walgett Shire Council Michael Urquhart got the task of drawing the winners of our lucky draw prizes. Winners were lucky enough to receive gift bags from local businesses; Blend & Co, Stones Throw, Walgett Newsagency, Walgett Library and Walgett Visitor Information Centre.
It was wonderful to meet new staff from Walgett Ambulance, Ochre Health, Walgett Shire Council and Walgett Community College.
If you are new to town and couldn’t get to the event but would like a New Residents Pack please contact the Walgett Visitor Information Centre on 0268286139 or email
Lightning Ridge New Residents Event 2021
What a fantastic way to welcome all our new residents to Lightning Ridge.
An absolutely wonderful turnout of “new” and “old,” sharing of information, stories and lots of laughs.
We welcomed teachers, nurses, hairdressers and more and they were all excited to become part of our community!
Thanks to Lightning Ridge Rotary for organising such a wonderful evening.